Mail merge function for upcoming holiday season

Mail merge function for upcoming holiday season

on May 29, 2015

Many system users intend to send holiday wishes to their customers. There is an ImEX module already available within your system, that can make this process quite easy.
Start the systems if it is not running, then:

  • On the top drop down menu select Reports->Report selector.
  • The report selector opens, now specify a starting date and a finish date for the data. The systems will produce custom letter and/or mailing labels based on the closing date of the repair order, it will locate any repair order that has a closing date between the start and the finish date you specify.

  • On the report selctor top menu, click Marketing -> Compose user defined letters. The system will execute the command and a new window will open listing all relevant data. Please note the total number or records found and the number of records marked for printing, displayed in the lower center section of the screen. At this point you can click the “Mark all” button to mark all record for processing, or manually mark selected records by putting a checkmark in the checkbox located in the last column of the table.

  • This step applies only if you wish to print a custom form letter. Should you desire to only print the mailing labels (perhaps you decided to send pre-printed greetings cards instead of a letter) skip this step and proceed to next step. After selecting customer records, click the “Compose letter” tab.
  • Enter the header for the letter, for example “Season’s greetings from ABC Body Shop” followed by the body of the letter. For best result compose the text of the header and body in a word processing program like Microsoft word, run a  spell-check   and then copy/paste the finished wording into the apropriate section in ImEX.

  • Click the “Print” button, the following menu will be available:
    1. “User defined letter”
    2. “Address labels for selected customers”
    3. “Return address labels”
    • “User defined letter” – clicking this menu item will print the letter you just composed, make sure to review the number of letters to be printed (see the number next to “Marked”) and have adequate supply of paper. Do not use this option should you wish to mail regular, commercially available greeting cards.
    • “Address labels for selected customers” will print address labels with customer’s address on Avery 5160 shipping label (30 to a page).
    • “Return address labels” will print your shop return address on Avery 5160 shipping label (30 to a page). Use this option if you do not have envelopes with preprinted return address.
  • That is all! – Of course, feel free to call with any questions!
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